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URISA Texas 2025-2026 Scholarship

URISA Texas began the Scholarship program in 2021. As the Urban and Regional Information Systems Association (URISA) Texas State Chapter we provide professional education and training, a vibrant and connected community for our members and contacts, advocacy for geospatial challenges and issues, and essential resources. We foster excellence in GIS and engage geospatial professionals throughout their careers.


This scholarship provides URISA Texas the perfect opportunity to encourage and assist in further education, whether that be the beginning of your GIS journey or the continued growth of your career. The URISA Texas Scholarship is intended to aid students with tuition and other expenses associated with postsecondary studies. 


The scholarship is open to any Texas resident currently enrolled in an associate, undergraduate, graduate, or certificate program involving GIS/Geography. Document requirements include proof of Texas residency and an official acceptance letter or course registration from the University or College program.

Application Process

The application process consists of the Scholarship application form, a short essay, and a map component. The details for these submissions and all relevant dates will be provided when the scholarship opens later this year. Only applicants that meet ALL REQUIREMENTS will be considered. Questions and entries should be sent to


This award consists of 4 award levels:

1st Prize - $1,000
2nd Prize - $750
3rd Prize - $500

Crowd Favorite - $250

Winners will be acknowledged with their headshots and short bio on the URISA Texas website and in social media. They will receive the award in the form of a check in the mail.

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