LiDAR Management: Life Cycle of the LiDAR Project From Inception to Execution
Presentation Outline:
Mr. Chalmers will be presenting the Life Cycle of the LiDAR project from inception to execution. Topics that the presentation will include are: Where do I begin, Which LiDAR spec is right for me, Turnaround time, Accuracy vs Cost, Overall Project Management, and Contracting Vehicles vs RFP.
About the Speaker:
Chris Chalmers
With over 20 years of proven success in developing, managing, and working with Federal, State, and Local agencies, as well as a passion for fostering consortiums, Mr. Chalmers brings a unique perspective to Atlantic’s clients. Chris’s focus and leadership on the expansion of Atlantic’s USGS BAA grant consortium is an exciting addition to Atlantic's Business Development Team. In addition, Mr. Chalmers will serve as a member of Atlantic’s Executive Leadership Team to help Atlantic strategically align its business and technology focus towards providing cost-effective solutions for our clients.
Mr. Chalmers is a Veteran of Operation Desert Shield/Storm and the Gulf War. He has a BS in Geography from Northwest Missouri State, an MS in Geography with a GIS Certificate from Oklahoma State, and is a certified GISP. Mr. Chalmers won the ESRI SAG Award in 2003 and 2004. His team secured the award in 2010 for their Coastal Georgia Regional LiDAR Consortium. The project consisted of over 10,000 square miles of high accuracy LiDAR that assisted citizens in flood prone areas along the Georgia Coast. The project also consisted of multiple funding partners from Federal to State and Local constituents.
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