Tell your Story with Esri Story Maps!
Presentation Outline:
There's a new tool available to GIS professionals, planners, etc: Esri Story Maps. These cloud-based web apps enable you to combine maps and spatial data with narrative text, photos, videos and other multi-media to produce beautiful interactive narratives and presentations. Organizations can use them to inform citizens and stakeholders, showcase projects, present the results of GIS work, promote initiatives, etc. Story Maps are built into ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise. So if you have an ArcGIS account, you can log in and start making Story Maps now. Best of all, no coding is required. You author story maps using easy-to-use builders. Over a quarter of a million story maps have already been created by the user community. Attendees will see how story maps are being used, get ideas and tips for how to use them, and learn how to author them.
Get a jump start on the presentation and maximize its value by visiting the Esri Story Maps website beforehand:https://storymaps.arcgis.com
About the Speaker:
Rupert Essinger is a Product Engineer on the Esri Story Maps team where he helps promote, develop and document the suite of Story Map app templates. He has been at Esri for more than 25 years, where he has worked on the Arc/Info, PC Arc/Info, ArcView and ArcGIS products. He is based in San Diego, CA. Rupert is originally from Leicester in the English Midlands, and studied Geography at Oxford University, Cartography at Glasgow University, and GIS at SUNY Buffalo, NY.
To Join:
Screen Share: https://esri.zoom.us/j/5125025040/
Webinar ID: 512 502 5040
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Presentation Video: https://youtu.be/hLkcRyYdLR4