NHD Wiki: Markup Application and NHD Enhancements on the Horizon
Presentation Outline:
NHD Markup Tool: The NHD Markup Application is a recently released web-based mapping communication tool that allows users to suggest edits, or “markups”, to the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD), Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD), and NHDPlus High Resolution (NHDPlus HR). Anyone with a gmail account or ArcGIS Online account and the Chrome browser can suggest corrections and improvements to the data. This presentation will provide a demonstration of the Markup Application and discuss the life cycle of the markups.
Elehydro - Enhanced NHD for Texas: This presentation will provide an introduction to the EleHydro concept and examine the needs and benefits of developing enhanced NHD data in Texas. Multiple examples of similar statewide EleHydro and Local NHD projects will be highlighted to further demonstrate possible implementation strategies, potential challenges, and opportunities to be considered as we collectively work toward the goal of developing these improved data resources for our state.
About the Speaker:
Claire DeVaughan:
Claire DeVaughan is the National Map Liaison for Texas, Oklahoma, and Utah. As Liaison, she works with partners and users of The National Map to improve the timeliness, quality and accessibility of geospatial data for the user community. She has been involved in geospatial activities in Texas since 2003, Oklahoma since 2015, and Utah since February 2019. She has been with USGS since 1989, in various roles as a geographer and cartographer.
Kristi Teykl:
Kristi Teykl joined AECOM (formerly URS) in 2004 and serves as a Practice Lead for Information Management Solutions across the AECOM Americas Central Region. With 22 years of professional experience, she is responsible for conceptualization, technical design, and management of projects with a GIS/IMS focus for a diverse array of clients across public and private sectors of business. She has a background in environmental science and applying geospatial data and analytics in support of real-world planning, engineering, and environmental management applications.
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Presentation Slide Deck: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1z4PWdwLKiu-qgvEtgoQ9JjoltZIBO2AP