FME for GIS Process Automation
Presentation Outline:
Organizations have a lot of data, but it’s often stored in systems unique to specific projects. In reality, everyone should be able to use all of their organizations’ data, using the best applications for their needs. Data integration technology makes it possible to move the data so it’s available where, when and how it’s needed. As the makers of FME, the data integration platform with the best support for geospatial data, Safe Software will give you insights into how they see customers solving data integration challenges every day. You’ll walk away with an understanding of data integration, and real-world use cases that will give you ideas of how you can overcome the data silos in your organization.
Upcoming changes to regulations governing the natural gas pipeline industry will create a new classification of pipeline segments called Moderate Consequence Areas (MCAs). These new MCAs come with additional compliance requirements meant to maintain the integrity of the pipeline and insure public safety. In preparation of the regulatory changes, Atmos used Safe Software’s Feature Manipulation Engine, or FME, to perform an analysis to give management an estimate of how many miles of Atmos’ transmission pipeline could potentially be designated as MCAs.
About the Speakers:
Cathleen Gracey

Cathleen Gracey has been with Safe Software since 2014 and is currently the Sales Manager for the Direct Sales team. Cat specializes in data solutions for various industries and helps organizations get the resources they need to solve their data challenges. With over 10 years of experience working in GIS, local government, and location analytics, she is experienced in project and data management. She loves learning about the amazing problems FME solves and the various things people are doing with the tool.
Roger Comstock
Roger Comstock is a Compliance Analyst for Atmos Energy Corporation headquartered in Dallas, TX. He is responsible for gathering and compiling both geospatial and tabular data used in performing risk analysis for the 6,000 miles of high pressure natural gas transmission pipelines owned by Atmos Pipeline Texas. Results from the risk analysis are used by multiple departments to support business decisions such as repair/replace activities, and placement of remote control valves. Roger attended Texas Tech University and has over 35 years of natural gas and GIS industry experience as a developer, I.T. support analyst, Business Analyst, and user.
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Presentation Slide Deck: Part 1, Part 2
Presentation Video: https://youtu.be/VVjevKIERzU