Going Beyond Where: A Discussion on LiDAR Platforms & Emerging Trends
Presentation Outline:
Geospatial technologies continue to develop at nearly breakneck speeds. Each new technology brings its own unique approach to industry needs. LiDAR is not necessarily new, but it continues to grow in its capability. While LiDAR data historically has been deemed too cumbersome or unwieldy to manage, downstream users are now more capable than ever to leverage point cloud data.
This presentation is about choosing the right tool in the toolbox. LiDAR data comes in many shapes and sizes. How the data was collected can vastly help (or hinder) your specific project. We will learn about different LiDAR methods including terrestrial, mobile, and aerial LiDAR – including UAS (drones)! We will explore how they’re related, what makes them different, and how to determine which is best for your project.
About the Speaker:
Bartley Estes, CMS
Bartley Estes earned his bachelor’s degree from East Central University in Cartography, focusing on geotechniques. He has spent the last 8 years leading the remote sensing efforts at CEC Corporation. He is also an ASPRS certified mapping scientist, specializing in LiDAR technology. Having a background in GIS and remote sensing, he is responsible for managing all remote sensing data acquisition and data processing at CEC Corporation. Mr. Estes leads CEC’s research efforts for emerging geospatial technologies, including LiDAR and UAS. He has also had the opportunity to present on geospatial technologies at several universities, technical conferences, and other various industry events.
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Presentation Slide Deck: Presentation
Presentation Video: https://youtu.be/pUz31iP8M4s