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Speaker Series - November 2019 - 5 Tips for Making Maps that Captivate and Communicate

  • Tuesday, November 19, 2019
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM (CST)


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5 Tips for Making Maps that Captivate and Communicate

Presentation Outline: 

We get to play with data and make maps. That rules. But sometimes it can feel like it doesn’t rule. Maybe you always feel pressed for time or are in a rut, or maybe you just love learning new hacks? Either way, join John Nelson as he recklessly tosses around unfounded advice about how to make maps that are interesting, effective…and maybe even fun…in five or six, example-laden tips for adventurous map making.

About the Speakers:

John Nelson is left-handed, works in a small woodshed, stands at his desk, likes the color blue, is terrible with names, and has a constant inner narration. As a map maker at Esri, he revels in a mix of user experience design, cartography, speaking, writing, and teaching. He tweets as @john_m_nelson and blogs frequently at

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Presentation Slide Deck: Coming Soon

Presentation Video: Video Link

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