The Path From GIS Manager to GIS Leader
Presentation Outline:
The message is that we need to focus on talking to executives about capabilities, like Location Intelligence, instead of technology, like GIS. It introduces the five pillars of Location Intelligence: Strategy, Organization, Technology & Data, Culture and Literacy, as the areas we need to work on, and gives information and resources for each. I present a vision of an executive focused on the strategic implementation of Location Intelligence as a potential career path for GIS leaders, if we can get executives to understand the value and potential of GIS. I give examples of some peers that are working their way to this point.
About the Speaker:
Adam Carnow, is a Community Evangelist at Esri, the global market leader in Geographic Information Systems (GIS). He is a keynote speaker, thought leader and technology evangelist, helping organizations get the most out of their GIS investment, and make a difference in their communities. He inspires customers to maximize their return oninvestment in the ArcGIS platform. He works closely with the Esri teams and Partners to assure customer success. He helps these organizations use the ArcGIS platform to transform from mapmakers into solution providers, through the application of location intelligence, to deliver spatial insight. He strives to assist customers in creating and reaching their vision, and gaining professional recognition for their efforts, like awards, presentations, articles and videos.
Mr. Carnow has over 25 years of experience as a GIS practitioner in the public andprivate sectors, as well as academia. He holds a BA in Geography, and a MA in Urban and Regional Planning from the University of Florida, and has achieved certification as an Urban Planner (AICP) and GIS Professional (GISP).
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Presentation Slide Deck: Slide Deck
Presentation Video: Video Link
Links from Adam:
Here is a link to the City of Toronto Plan I mentioned:
Here is a link to the GIS Manager/Leadership Track videos from the 2018 Esri UC. Please share this:
Here’s a great resource for GISers to learn more about Best Practices and Strategy on GeoNet:
Here’s a list of Leadership resources I maintain that contains some of these same links: