Please join us for a virtual panel discussion hosted by URISA Texas!
We have invited Felicia Retiz, Daniel Haverlah, Chris Akin, and Brian King to give us some career advice. Please show up in your living room or wherever on your phone or computer with a drink to ask questions and participate!
A little about our panelists:
Felicia Retiz, Deputy State GIO
Felicia Retiz works closely with the GIS community to establish strategic targets and goals for GIS initiatives in Texas. She began her career in GIS at TNRIS in 1999 after receiving a Geography degree from the University of Texas at Austin. In 2017, she completed an Executive Masters in Public Affairs from the LBJ School at UT Austin.
Daniel Haverlah
Danny Haverlah has been in the geospatial professional realm for over twelve years with experience in Oracle databases, SQL Server, Maximo geospatial integration, web mapping applications, GIS solution based work flow design, ArcSDE database management, ArcGIS Online application architecture design, mobile data collection, and leading GIS technical teams. He has been employed as an IT Application Analyst with Development Services Department and has been with the City of Austin for the last eight years and continues to be a member of Austin’s Geospatial Information Management Operations Board. Danny is the head organizer of the Austin GIS User Group, a member of The Austin Python Meetup, Maptime ATX, and sits on the CenTex GIS Committee. He holds a Bachelor degree in Geography from the University of North Texas and has a strong passion for being involved in the local and regional GIS Community.
Chris Akin, GISP
Chris Akin manages Dunaway Associates' GIS division and has almost 2 decades of experience in the development and management of geospatial projects, strategies and processes. His strategic and technical expertise allows him to seamlessly act as a liaison between clients, technical specialists, and senior management. Chris received a Bachelor’s degree in Geography with a GIS emphasis from Texas A&M University and a Master’s in GIS for Business and Service Planning from the University of Leeds, England. Chris is a certified GIS Professional (GISP), has served on the URISA Board of Directors as the Chair of the Chapter Advisory Board, and has served as Chairman of the Board/President for both New England and Texas Chapters of URISA.
Brian King, GISP
Brian King, has been involved in geospatial science since 1999. He has a master’s degree Geographic Information Systems and a Graduate Certificate of Geospatial Intelligence (GEOINT), from the Pennsylvania State University and the United States Geospatial Intelligence Foundation (USGIF). Mr. King is a Registered Professional Archaeologist (RPA), having 15 years of experience in the field of archeology, and a Certified Floodplain Manager. He earned a BA in Anthropology from the University of Kentucky in 1997 and an Associates of Architecture from the Lexington Community College in 1993. Mr. King is currently employed by Freese and Nichols, Inc. since 2011 and has worked for other engineering and cultural resource management firms since 1999. Over the years he has gained experience in drafting and design tasks in areas of floodplain modeling and mapping, remote sensing, Lidar processing, land development, hydrology and hydraulics, residential sites, and highway projects in the state of Texas. Other areas of expertise include ModelBuilder, Mobile GIS applications, Amazon EC2 web mapping, ArcSDE, and engineering and archaeological reporting writing. He is one of the original members involved to form the statewide Texas URISA Chapter. Mr. King is a member of the international Urban and Regional Information Systems Association (URISA), the GIS Certification Institute (GISCI), and Texas Floodplain Management Association (TFMA)
Thursday, May 7, 2020
Beginning at 5:00p
URISA Texas is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Career and Cocktails
Time: May 7, 2020 05:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 919 0292 2252
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UTM Sponsors:

State Plane Sponsors:
Dunaway Associates
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